Good Monday Morning Folks! The Lord is sooooo good!!! He touched me all day long yesterday by Church, Godly Women, Prayers and Messages and gave me PERFECT PEACE I haven’t had in YEARS!!! He also confirmed to me that I WILL be going to El Salvadore next month with Eastbridge Fellowship Womens Missions Team!!! I am so excited!! In preparation of that GOD already had me going to a Fall Conference (Refreshing Conference ) with Perry Stone, Pastor B and other Prominent Ministers this week!!! God used a very Godly Sister in the Lord to make this possible!! I thank her so much and can’t wait till tomorrow! It was not by accident that this trip was planned before I knew about the Missions Trip!! God already knew I needed Resources, Teachings and Prayer Coverings and the SPOKEN WORD and Fellowship with Anointed People!! Thank you Jesus!! FINALLY I have PEACE over my whole life!! I STILL don’t know what my future holds or where I will be, but I KNOW the ONE WHO DOES!! I TRUST HIM and will walk in HIS PATH!
Now!!! I hope and pray that you all have the BEST MONDAY EVER!! It may be Monday, but you can make it a great Monday and not a Blue Monday!! Be focused on making it count for GOOD and not for BAD! If bad pops up, then attack it head on with the Lord and HIS WORD!! If you can’t do anything else then do this: Say the NAME- JESUS!! Just say HIS NAME over and over UNTIL your atmosphere and circumstances CHANGE!! BLESSINGS and LOVE to ALL!


Good Monday Morning! Last week of July!!! How did that happen!! I am so grateful for the help I had over the weekend!! Now a new week with new challenges for ALL of us!!! Lord, you know what we are ALL going to face this week, so I ask YOU to LEAD and GUIDE us through the minefield of evil that satan has plotted against us. Help us to LISTEN and FOLLOW YOU and ONLY YOUR VOICE!! Let Your Healing Blood Flow over us and Heal us of all of our sicknesses and diseases and set us FREE from all pain and suffering!! Fill us with JOY, Love, Faith, and Peace. Keep Grace and Mercy on our footheels!! Provide all my Family and Friends with Abundance of Supplies, Adequate safe transportation with the fuel they need to operate, Good Health or Medicines to get there, all the LOVE and SUPPORT they need this week, and keep them at Peace with NO WORRYING!! Let them LEARN to TRUST YOU MORE THAN EVER! NOW, let’s move FORWARD with the Week God has given us! BLESSINGS TO ALL OF YOU!


Good Monday Morning! OK New Week with LOTS to be accomplished!! I always have the plan of action in my mind to try and accomplish these things, BUT somehow they never get done!! CANNOT BE THIS WEEK!! I HAVE to get these things accomplished ONCE and FOR ALL!!! NO MESSING AROUND!! MUST BE DETERMINED!! Lord, We Ask You to HELP us ALL to Accomplish the Many TASKS we all have this week! We need a PLAN of ACTION and the STRENGTH and ENERGY and ACTION to FOLLOW YOUR PLAN!! Lord, whatever Distractions the enemy has in store for us, PLEASE LORD DIVERT!! Help us to be FOCUSED and as we accomplish these tasks and MARK them off the LIST, we will give YOU all the Praise and Glory! We thank you ahead of time for the PRODUCTIVE week we will have!! It will leave us with such a sense of ACCOMPLISHMENT because YOU are with us, Helping us, Equipping us, Leading us, Providing for us, and Filling us with Your Love and JOY to start our ENGINES and Charging our Hearts to be Successful!! LET’s DO THIS!!!


Good Monday Morning!!! We finish June and get ready to start another month. WOW!! Time just keeps flying on by!! We think we have all this time to do this or that and then we look back and a month went by and we accomplished NOTHING!! (Yes, I am talking to me!LOL) I have so much to catch up on and don’t know where to start or even when!! Is that you too??!! Well then I guess we had better get a plan of action lined up!! Make our lists and then start checking them off! We first need to consult with our Heavenly Father who orders our steps when we allow HIM to, to Lead us in the Paths HE has for us this week!! HE already knows what’s BEST FOR US, would make our lives so much simplier if we would just FOLLOW HIM!!! Lord Direct us this week and show us the BEST WAY for us to ACCOMPLISH all we have to do that is in YOUR WILL for us to complete! Help us to be FOCUSED, DETERMINED, EFFICIENT, STRONG, OBEDIENT, and VICTORIOUS at the end of the WEEK!! FEELING ACCOMPLISHED and BLESSED is what I want for us all by FRIDAY/SATURDAY!! Let’s Tackle this WEEK STRONG and DETERMINED!!


Good Morning Folks!!! Yes it is Monday Morning!!! So let’s embrace it!! (It isn’t going anywhere might as well make the best of it!! LOL) This is a NEW WEEK with NEW OPPORTUNITIES!! Let’s ask the Lord from ABOVE what HIS WILL is for us this week!! After all HE has it mapped out for us “IF” we follow it!! Can’t go wrong, “IF” we ask and OBEY!! Lord give us a Week full of Your Provisions, Protection, Guidance, Favor, Health, Love, Laughter, Kindness, Generosity, Forgiveness, Grace and Mercy, and Your Perfect Peace!! Yep that should about cover us this week!! Anything we have need of that YOU KNOW then that also!! We will give YOU Praise and Glory and HONOR Jesus!! Thank you so much! Have a BLESSED and Wonderful Week!!


Good Morning! Praying you all have a Joyous and Happy “not blue” Monday! Be happy in your spirit, be attentive and listen to that small inner voice that leads and guides! If you do not hear that voice, then stop, be quiet, until you do. Make a difference, be kind and generous, be loving and supportive, be a GOD spokesperson and share Jesus with your world around you! Change up the atmosphere to be Praise Worthy and Victorious! Have the best Monday ever

Blessed Monday

Good Morning!! Happy St. Patrick’s Day. I AM Irish from my Daddy’s, Mother’s side, the McMullens! Time for a new week, new goals, new vision, ready for SPRING! I have some ideas and projects and Personal Spiritual Goals I want to accomplish this week, how about you? What are your goals, expectations, to do lists, or personal accomplishments to achieve? Lord I ask that you help each of us with YOUR… Plans for our week, Your Guidance and Direction for each of my Family and Friends. Keep us on YOUR Path and bring the right people and influences in our life and remove the wrong people and wrong influences. Let us HEAR YOUR VOICE in all we do and Your’s alone! Keep us all Safe, Blessed, Needs Met, Healed, Loved, Focused and at Peace with everyone including OURSELVES! Thank you Jesus! Have a great MONDAY! Enjoy your day!