Good Morning Folks! Well I certainly haven’t been faithful on here. There really isn’t any excuse other than I haven’t taken the time to sit down and put thoughts together. I have many ideas and projects I want to do, but then comes that nasty bad habit of PROCRASTINATION!! Not that any of you would understand! OK, so this is what’s going on. I think I may have mentioned a while back about my LOVE JOURNEY and the struggle to get ALL my LOVE back. Well let me tell you, GOD really has put me to the test this time! I am still trying to learn love in my struggling but better than it was MARRIAGE of over 40 years, still trying to learn to love unconditionally difficult people, and show more LOVE to strangers and be more CHRISTLIKE in my attitude and actions! Well having said all of that, and all of that, has still been a struggle, but a work in progress. Here’s the TEST: A month a go, my Sister-in-law, my husbands Sister, was in the hospital for over a week with Congestive Heart Failure and enlarged heart. She is on Dialysis 3 times a week. My husband takes turns with her son taking her to Dialysis each week. One week its Wednesdays, the other week its Monday and Fridays. My Sister-in-law recently lost her husband to Alzheimers and so now lives alone. When she was in the Hospital, the Drs wouldn’t release her until she had a place to go, a nursing home, rehab facility or someone taking care of her, she could no longer be left alone due to her condition. I KNEW the LORD was dealing with me about this! He was saying to me, if you can’t show love here, you cannot do ministry work for me. I argued with him for several days. There was a dual reason for this: seeing to her spiritual needs and me learning a lesson on unconditional love and being a SERVANT to EVERYONE! I finally relented to the Lord and told my husband that if he wanted to help her, she could come stay with us. Well here we are. You see, LOVE LESSONS cannot be easy. As Scripture says, it is easy to love the lovable, but Jesus gave us the Great Commandment: LOVE ONE ANOTHER! LOVE EVERYONE! We do not have to like their ways, opinions, sins or actions, their dispositions, political views or any different views for that matter. He SIMPLY SAID TO LOVE!! No question, no discussion, no conditions, just simply stated: LOVE ONE ANOTHER AS CHRIST LOVES YOU/ME AND GAVE HIS LIFE FOR YOU/ME! This lesson is ongoing DAILY! I would never have imagined the lesson being taught this way, so yes when I was arguing with the Lord, I said: “Are you kidding me Lord? You want me to do what?” Is there a Love Lesson you need to learn? Has GOD asked you to Love someone you may not want to? This lesson wasn’t so much that I couldn’t love her, I do, but it was more coming out of our comfort zone to show DAILY LOVE and SEVANTHOOD. The DAILY LESSONS are the Challenging ones! It may be easy one time, but can you/me do it DAILY? To someone who may require more attention than most, or requires more patience and maybe understanding. I pray daily and ask for my attitude to improve and I do pray, “LORD, thy will be done!” It is ultimately HIS will in my life that I need. I will try and be more faithful here. I am excited about a project I hope to get going soon.

Though the struggles are real with being a full time caregiver I am learning more everyday to give of myself and to let go and let God lead me. I like most of you wish that I could make her better so she could go back to her own home and take care of herself. But Gods will right now is for her to be taken care of by me and my husband.

Our plan for our lives and Gods plan for our life’s sometimes are different. But as I walk a closet walk with him I know I am doing his will.

Stay tuned. Blessings to you all!