Good Morning World!!! I was reading in Mathew this morning where John the Baptist was talking about Jesus and he said, “He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and FIRE!!! I MISS that FIRE!!! We have said the church world doesn’t have the fire anymore and that is true, but guess what? It starts with ME!!!!! If I don’t have the FIRE burning in me, I can’t say anything about the church, because that is what the church is……ME/YOU!!! I NEED REVIVAL and it STARTS with ME!! Got to get down to business. Anyone else feel that way?? If you do, will you JOIN with me and let us SEEK, RUN and be filled with the FIRE?? I have been feeling empty and low on “fuel” and it is only myself to blame! I want the Fire Down in my soul that I can’t contain and I can’t control, I want MORE OF YOU, LORD, MORE OF YOU!! Let’s do this!!! Enjoy your Thursday and be Blessed and Safe and Well!


Good Morning! The middle of the week. Some of you are at the Church of God General Assembly getting FIRED UP and FILLED UP and some are in the middle of their vacations, some are in the middle of a work week and some are getting ready for back to school, which seems so unreal! Where ever you are and what ever you are doing, take time out for the Lord, for making memories, for sharing out of your abundance, for teaching others who need help along the way, to be kind and generous, to learn how to be HAPPY and CONTENT, (my lesson here) and to learn to TRUST and OBEY GOD in ALL THINGS!! May you have the BEST WEDNESDAY EVER!!! MID WEEK SURVIVAL!!


Good Morning to You!! Good Morning to You! Good Morning, Good Morning! Good Morning to You!!! There I just sang that to you! Don’t you feel better now?! Nothing like a Good Morning greeting to kick start your day!! I finished the Old Testament this morning in my Bible Reading! It took me 9 1/2 months. I am on track to finish my Bible by the middle of October to complete my Bible Reading in a year. Each year I get a new Bible and I set the goal to finish reading the new Bible in a year. At the end of the year I try to find someone who would like to have the Bible I just completed and God leads me to my next Bible. The One I am reading now is the Spiritual Warfare Bible. Yes, I write in them and LOTS OF HIGHLIGHTING!! Not sure who will get this Bible or who would want it. Do you have a Daily Bible Reading Plan?? WE MUST READ DAILY!!! The Lord says in the Book of St. John to “Continue in the Word Daily”! He says to Meditate on MY WORD DAILY!! You DO NOT HAVE TO UNDERSTAND it all, but YOU DO HAVE to put inside of you!! It is your DAILY BREAD!! I found by challenging myself in a certain time frame and starting my day off with Bible Reading helps to accomplish this. This has worked for me now for quite a few years. I wish I would have been more disciplined in my early years of serving GOD!! Unfortunately, I didn’t get disciplined until after 2005. I have been serving the Lord since 1974!! How sad is that! So I encourage and challenge you to START!!! TODAY!!! Make it a PRIORITY TODAY!!! One day the Bible may NOT be so accessible to us. It may be taken away from us. It is the LAST DAYS!! Let me know how you are doing, please! Have a great day and find that Bible and start READING!!!


Good Monday Morning! Last week of July!!! How did that happen!! I am so grateful for the help I had over the weekend!! Now a new week with new challenges for ALL of us!!! Lord, you know what we are ALL going to face this week, so I ask YOU to LEAD and GUIDE us through the minefield of evil that satan has plotted against us. Help us to LISTEN and FOLLOW YOU and ONLY YOUR VOICE!! Let Your Healing Blood Flow over us and Heal us of all of our sicknesses and diseases and set us FREE from all pain and suffering!! Fill us with JOY, Love, Faith, and Peace. Keep Grace and Mercy on our footheels!! Provide all my Family and Friends with Abundance of Supplies, Adequate safe transportation with the fuel they need to operate, Good Health or Medicines to get there, all the LOVE and SUPPORT they need this week, and keep them at Peace with NO WORRYING!! Let them LEARN to TRUST YOU MORE THAN EVER! NOW, let’s move FORWARD with the Week God has given us! BLESSINGS TO ALL OF YOU!


Good Morning!! Here it is!!! Your Friday and Weekend!!! Come on and Celebrate, you KNOW you want to! How is everyone doing this fine Beautiful Morning?? (At least it is here in TN) Are you Happy?? Are you feeling good? Are you feeling Kind and Generous? Are you Excited and Jumping up and down for JOY?? Or….are you Tired, Crabby, Hurting, Selfish, Complaining and Grumbling, get out of my sight kind of morning?? Well if it is the Latter, then let’s take care of that RIGHT NOW!!! You want to enjoy your weekend, not run everyone off and be Miserable!! Lord, please touch my Family and Friends who are struggling with these Issues that are not very pleasing!! Lift them up to YOU Lord and give them Joy, Rest, Comfort, Peace, Love, and Healing and Restoration!! Let them have the BEST WEEKEND EVER giving YOU ALL PRAISE and GLORY!! Thank You Jesus!! Have a great weekend!! Enjoy the Fair, Vacations, Reunions, Fishing Trips, Camping Trips, whatever it is…Be safe and have all your Provisions You will NEED!! Love to All!


Good Morning! What are your plans today? Do they include Jesus First? It says in Mathew 6:33, “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” We plan everything or go about our lives with Jesus as an after thought, or I will get to you later thought. We come to Him mostly when we have a dire need, or when there is trouble or when we are sick and dying, but in our everyday lives, we think of Him at a convenient time, NOT FIRST!! He should be our thought first thing in the morning, through out our day, and the last of the evening. Why do you want to think of Him later rather than sooner? Why do you NOT want to include Him in everything? He SHOULD BE YOUR/MY EVERYTHING!!!! Yes we can conduct our daily tasks and function properly with Him being in our Constant thought. It is called RELATIONSHIP!!! LOVE!!! So do you want to be out there winging it on your own and muddling through? Or do you want JESUS and Let Him in FIRST and then let the REST of your LIFE and NEEDS be on HIM?? You CAN START RIGHT NOW!!!! Have a Blessed and Safe and Loved Thursday!!


Good Morning! I don’t know what you are facing today or what your day will consist of, BUT I do KNOW who DOES!!! You have God the Father, Jesus the Intercessor and the Holy Spirit the Teacher, now that is a GROUP to have on your side!!! Don’t you feel ENERGIZED, EMPOWERED, LOVED, PROTECTED, VICTORIOUS, EQUIPPED, SHELTERED and at PEACE??!! NOW, you can face the day ahead!! Look who has your BACK!!! RUN with it!!! Marching Forward Wednesday!! Look out world here we come!! Can you hear me SHOUTING!!!


Good Morning!! Remember this Folks while you are worrying about our World and seeing nothing but disaster: “He’s Got the WHOLE World in HIS HANDS!!”, “Great is Thy Faithfulness!”, “IT IS WELL, WITH MY SOUL!”, “LEAVE IT THERE, LEAVE IT THERE. TAKE YOUR BURDENS TO THE LORD AND LEAVE IT THERE!”, ” I Don’t Know About tomorrow, but I KNOW WHO HOLDS MY HAND!”, “WHAT A FRIEND WE HAVE IN JESUS!”. “MY HOPE IS BUILT ON NOTHING ELSE, BUT JESUS BLOOD AND RIGHTEOUSNESS!” I HOPE THAT SOME OF THESE WILL STRENGTHEN AND ENCOURAGE YOU TO KEEP YOUR/OUR EYES ON JESUS CHRIST AND IN HIM ALONE!! There are hundreds more! Maybe you have some that get you through your day!! HE NEVER FAILS!! Blessings to you all on this beautiful, Glorious Tuesday!!


Good Morning!! Rested and did nothing over the weekend, except make brownies which was an important job, don’t you know!!! Showed the house again and they are VERY INTERESTED!! I pray they are the ones! Still need to make the decision on the Auction people. Another group coming tomorrow. Help me pray that we will make the RIGHT DECISION on selecting the company that will help us the MOST!! Need God’s Favor! Already been very busy this morning! Got lots to do today, don’t worry if I overdo today then I will rest and ice tomorrow. That is how this is going to have to work. Cram as much as I can one day and rest the next. Now, I pray that you My Family and Friends will start their week out very Blessed, Safe and Protected, Motivated and Accomplished, and that your atmosphere is at peace and positive! If you are on vacation this week then ENJOY and be safe!!! May the Lord Provide Finances and Resources and that you are Blessed and make wonderful Lifetime of Memories to sustain till we all go home with Jesus!!


Good Sabbath Morning! This is our day we set aside to Worship our King! Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior! I won’t be at Twin Rivers Worship Center this morning but will be Worshipping at First Church f God of Union City, TN. Getting a chance to show some love to some Amazing Brothers and Sisters I haven’t seen in a few months! Make it a point to attend a Church Service of your choice!! You have plenty of time to go. Many churches have multiple Services for you to choose from. Choose Jesus!!! Enjoy your day!! I miss my kids but have enjoyed visiting with my “other” family here. No power washing yesterday or today, so I should be rested up great to hit it tomorrow!!! Show LOVE and KINDNESS to the World Around You!! Love to All!!